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Hongsheng Annual Meeting In 2019--- New Dream, New Glory
  Double Click to Scroll PublishDate:2019-02-11 Reads:536 【Fonts:Large Medium Small

As time flies and the year rolls on, we look back on the extraordinary year of 2018, with pains, tears, successes and setbacks The experienced hongsheng people have learned to face everything calmly. Acknowledge the successes along with our downfalls. Let the years brush off the dust in 2018, setting out again along with new dream and new glory in 2019.
With a happy and festive start music sounded in 2019 Hongsheng annual party began,The opening dance attended by all the members of the business department expressed the yearning and blessing of Hongsheng people for a better tomorrow. After 2 months of numerous rehearsals, it was presented to everyone in a wonderful state today,The unity and orderliness between a piece of paper and a piece of paper give us a great visual shock. As long as we do everything attentively and assiduously, we are not afraid of difficulties, we believe there will be a perfect result.Hongsheng people gave a good interpretation, although we are not professional , we can do very wonderful.  
  The ingenious program is crosstalk, which shows that we are serious in performance from the costumes to the Settings. Two colleagues who joined Hongsheng after graduation gave a vivid performance, and the audience burst into warm applause from time to time. We Hongsheng people are really versatile!
The next dance highlights the sunshine and enthusiasm of young people, creative and innovative game link everyone also actively participate in, the scene atmosphere again and again to a climax. Finally, all the staff sang "grateful heart" and took a group photo to thank us for this year together. Be grateful to those who have helped us, and to those who have trusted us. Let us move forward with gratitude forever.

  • Tokyo much-anticipated Machine Exhibition opened in 2019.

  • Happy Thanksgiving Day

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