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The annual sales PK competition of Hongsheng is coming soon
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The annual sales PK competition of Hongsheng is coming soon


     In order to encourage the salesmen, train staff’s team cooperation ability and

the potential of management, improve sales performance, and increase

company profits, our company will hold the PK competition every year.


     The time for PK competition is 3 months, which is from 1st, October to 31st, December.


     There are 14 salesmen in the business office, and 5 people for European American market,

9 people for Japanese market. The general manager divided the 14 salesmen into two teams

according to their sales performance, regular work and other aspects.


     Our team has his own name and slogan, everyone has his own goal and all of us work hard

together to try our best to achieve the common goal.


     Finally, which team will win the champion of this competition?

     Let’s wait and see what happens?


Contact: crystal (International Business Department)

Tel:86 411 87552333 Ext 813

Email: hongsheng005@dlhshjx.cn





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