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Happy International Women's Day
  Double Click to Scroll PublishDate:2016-03-31 Reads:324 【Fonts:Large Medium Small

Dear customers,


In order to let every staff has a healthy, harmonious, happiness, sweet, memorable and meaningful holiday, the company was held "International Women's day activities".


At the beginning of the party, Ms. Liu, our general manager, first on behalf of the company expressed deeply bless to the female. And also hope women can be more and more beautiful in the future.


Then, Ms. Liu distributed the flowers to the hand of men, men who had the flowers would go to the stage in turn, sent the flower to a women, and sent the blessing to her, then two of them would have a gift, as the music down the stage. The whole activity warm atmosphere, everyone actively took participate in.






In this activity, we felt the warmth of Hongsheng family. A company gave us the home feeling, a company gave us the magic team to work with, like a family. A company we would like to work for life time.


Finally, wish you happy every day!


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